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Siobhan Solberg

034: Raw Notes & Real Talk

Happy New Year.

It's been a while and I'm just realising that this look suspiciously close to a NYE resolution post.

Should have thought that through.

But here it is. New Year or not - I need to start writing more.

It's not that I'm not writing. I am. A lot. But I'm not sharing any of it. I keep saying that I should only share what I think provides value (which this post is def not) so I don't write - at least not for you.

That's got to change.

The reason I came up with writing these Weeknotes is exactly for that. To write. To share. To rant. To gloat. And to just be. Regardless of "real" value.

It's a place for me to reflect (publicly), share what I have read, and struggles I have had. Most importantly a place to normalise getting shit wrong, making mistakes, having a crapshoot of a week, struggling with getting paid, not wanting to study, etc.

I'm so over everyone and their productivity hype. The 5am wake ups and ice baths. The AI optimised workflows that spew meaningless words that we are forced to read.

I just want to be real. Be me. And in some messed up way show that it's ok to be totally you. You in every way that you are.

I get it, some of you (or most of you?) will think this type of post belongs on a personal site. Maybe. But truth just my personal life is fine. It's balancing working, speaking, studying, staying up to date, AND my personal life that get's me to write here. So, if I'm counting right, that is 80% work related stuff - so it goes on the professional site (if there even is such a thing – it is just me who threw this thing together after all).

So, here is to you being you. Me being me. And to those who don't like it....oh, well.



PS. I'm working on writing my thesis so although I want to do this every Friday I can't promise until I'm done with it (and if you want to be nice wish me luck!)


Currently Reading:

I finished Mr. Wind-up Bird by Haruki Murakami this week and am now reading a collection of short essays called 50 Ideas for a Better World, compiled by Monocle.

I've been reading a lot more novels and loving it. But I have this thing and only read novels at night or on vacation so in the mornings, when I have time, I'm reading When: the scientific secrets of Perfect Timing.

Best Work Read

I'm finally reading (albeit slowly) a book by my professors Paolo Balboni and Kate Elizabeth Francis called Data Protection as a Corporate Social Responsibility.

Best Short Read

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