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Siobhan Solberg

031: On Goals and Resolutions

Happy New Year.

Or is it too late to say that now?

I'm behind on things. Got sick. Decided I needed to take the break to recover and get better first. But here I am. With a New Year note about everything.

My holidays were a blessing. I was expecting wifi (as the last time I was there) and pretty good cell coverage. Granted last time I went the political and economic situation was quite different there. This time there was no wifi and forget about phones. It was 11 days of no connection with anything. It was amazing.

I had space to just enjoy. Be. Notice things. And think.

Given the time of year I did a lot of thinking on the whole New Years resolution and goal setting thing that takes over Dec to Jan and then petters off by Feb when the realisation kicks in that it won't happen. How can I loose all that weight, get all those clients, build that authority, and be there for my family. It just won't work.

I started to understand that in the end the goal of each year is the same:

🤓 Grow (both professionally and personally)

🤓 Be healthier (aka train harder)

🤓 Be more present

🤓 Have better balance

That's it. It's always some version of that. At least for me.

So why do I bother with all the resolutions and goals. Objectives aren't going to change this either. The idea around it all is the same no matter what year and at what point of the year.

So this year I'm just going to let it flow.

I know what I need to do. I don't need to over-plan it into each quarter, month, week and day.

I'm going to flow. Not stress. Not worry about OKRs and KPIs.

I'm just going to be.

The hope is that I will also be a lot less stressed. People like me (the super disciplined to the point of weakness and then shit on yourself type) get super stressed when these resolutions or goals are off by 5 minutes, don't even think about what happens when you are off by a day.

So instead I'm going to chill. Flow. Be.

I'm not going to worry about what I eat.

I'm not going to worry about how many followers I have.

I'm not going to worry about closing every proposal that I put out there.

I am going to do what feels right.

Eat when hungry.

Enjoy that Canchanchara.

Read a lot. Even if it's not work related.

Study to my hearts content.

Take the time for walks.

Run when I want to run.

Swim when I want to swim.

Share what I want to share because I think it's share-worthy.

Let's see how it goes.


  • Breath by James Nestor - this book is life changing. I finished it early this week on my Kindle and probably bought 4 copies. One for me and more to share.

  • Good Enough Job by Simone Stolzoff - I did not finish this. The point she is trying to make is good but it's written for the American mindset that I don't related to (but am extremely familiar with).

  • Refuse to Choose by Barbara A Sher - currently reading this. A gift from a dear friend who seems to get me sometimes better than I do myself. A book that makes me respect the way I am all over the place instead of trying to punish myself for it while also inspiring me in ways I can make it work better for me. Scanner fun in a world that is still learning to cope with people who are generalists.

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