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Siobhan Solberg

How iOS17 will mess with your attribution

Apple announced iOS17 and all the fun that comes a long with it. The one feature that I want to discuss today is LTP.

What is LTP?

Link Tracking Protection will remove all parameters from the URL that identify a user.

So if you have a URL with campaignID you're ok.

A URL that also adds a clickID is not.

The link will still work but it will have the clickID stripped.

This is for all user specific tracking parameters, not only clickID.



LTP will be automatically enabled from Mail, Messenger, and Safari.

Why do we care?

Because Apple Mail is about 58% of the market share.

Not only that in the USA messenger has a significant market share (16% as of 2020) that is going up every year. And we all know Safari has around 20% worldwide across all platforms (27% Mobile only).

But forget all the data for now.

Remember what happened with iOS14?

Your open rates went to shit.

That's about to happen with attribution too - unless you work on a more privacy focused attribution model.

Ok great, now what?

Here are some of of the steps that I would take to start preparing for the change (Appel usually releases their new iOS in September or October and you'll have a few months before adoption becomes significant):

  • Understand what share of your users will be affected.

  • Research Private Click Measurement (Apples tracking solution) and other solutions.

  • Reconsider your attribution model.

  • Adopt more privacy focused attribution methods.

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